I have experimented with and have discovered that time travel should not be taken lightly.
My theory is relatively simple. While moving at great speed in a static environment, the speed of light should be pushed in the opposite direction of the moving object and bounced off two mirrors, thereby going back and forth in a "static - moving" environment, thereby causing time to reverse on itself.
The closest I could get to testing my theory, was by taking two mirrors and a torch onto a plane. I set up my experiment as we had reached maximum altitude and therefore at maximum speed.With baited breath I aimed my torch towards the rear of the plane, where the first mirror was set up (the second mirror was obviously attached to my forehead).
At first nothing seemed to have happened and I concluded that the theory had failed, but once the plane had landed, I noticed that I had in fact traveled back in time by about thirty years.
The people I met were naive to the future and modern day living. The hair and fashion sense made me cringe, as I remembered how awful fashion was back then. I made sure that I didn't kill anybody important, like Hitler or Gary Glitter, as I knew that this would have repercussions.
I was so afraid that I would change something, I boarded the next plane out of Auckland and reversed the time travel machine, by aiming the torch towards the the front of the plane this time.
I landed safely back in London 2008.