Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Joining an exclusive club

I'm on an overnight flight and at about thirty thousand feet above sea level. It's about 3am and almost all the passengers have their seats back and are trying to get some sleep. There are a few stragglers walking the aisles but otherwise it's relatively quiet. I can see that both toilets closest to me are currently available. There won't be a better opportunity than right now!

She gives me a knowing look and I know that it's go time. I stand up as though I'm doing a stretch and saunter off towards the toilet. She comes along with me. A quick look in both directions to see that nobody's approaching and we both quickly slip into the toilet, locking the door behind us.

Once inside we're not sure if there's enough space, but we're going to give it a go anyway. I start by stripping off her clothes. Within a minute she's completely naked in front of me. I wipe bits of shit off her bum. She kicks out, bits of shit splatter my clothes. She gets hold of her dirty nappy and pulls it onto her face. I take it off her while trying to wipe poo off my clothes. I manage to stuff the dirty nappy into a nappy bag. She pisses all over her clothes and my shirt. I think about flushing her.

Fifteen minutes later we return to our seats. She's wearing a new outfit and looks tidy. I'm covered in piss and shit. I'm exhausted. My wife wakes up looks over at me and says, "You stink". She goes back to sleep. My daughter has also gone back to sleep.

I turn to my side, hoping to get a few minutes sleep. Opposite me a very attractive young lady is looking at me and smiling. I smile back. She seductively lifts her finger to her lips.  I check that my wife is still asleep. I seductively lift my finger to my lips and touch something squishy. I have shit on my lower lip and have now managed to push it into my mouth. The attractive young lady looks like she's going to be sick. I decide that I will stop seducing her and try and go back to sleep.