Tuesday 28 July 2009

The gift of giving love

Girlfriend: Guess what.

Handsome Muppet: What?

Gf: Guess!

HM: You're fat.

Gf: No silly.

HM: You've found out I'm cheating on you?

Gf: What?

HM: Nothing.

Gf: Guess what I've got you.

HM: It better start with "D" and end with "inner".

Gf: No silly. It's a present.

HM: Dinner can be a present.

Gf: It's a goat!

HM: What?

Gf: I've got you a goat.

HM: Oh... Thanks. How did you know I like goats?

Gf: It's for an African family.

HM: What?

Gf: I've bought a goat from Oxfam, in your name and they're going to deliver it to Africa.

HM: Couldn't you find a better delivery company. I live in the UK.

Gf: No silly, the goat is suppose to go to Africa.

HM: But you said you bought ME a goat.

Gf: Yes the goat is in your name.

HM: So the goat is legally mine?

Gf: Well technically speaking, I suppose so.

HM: So I can choose to not send my goat to Africa?

Gf: That's not how it works.

HM: Oh I'm sorry. When did receiving presents mean I don't get anything.

Gf: You get the gift of knowing that you're helping people less fortunate than yourself.

HM: So you bought me bullshit as a present?

Gf: Sorry?

HM: You walk in here, without my dinner, then tell me that you've got me a goat, then tell me that I will never be able to fuck this goat.

Gf: What?

HM: Well it doesn't seem like a present to me.

Gf: Did you say "fuck the goat"?

HM: Maybe next time, instead of saying that you bought me a gift, you could just say that you're full of shit and you enjoy wasting my time.

Gf: But you're helping people less fortunate than yourself!

HM: Am I really? Do you have their bank statement? Let's see how bad they're suffering.

Gf: They don't have bank statements. They don't have clean water. They don't even have a house to sleep in.

HM: Ah. So what you're saying is that you've sent MY goat to some layabout bums.

Gf: They're not bums, they live in terrible conditions.

HM: It's so awful, yet they're still able to fuck goats.

Gf: What?

HM: Let's face it, the goat isn't probably too happy to be sent there. Why doesn't the goat get a say in the matter.

Gf: But the goat provides food to the family.

HM: What? They're going to eat my goat?

Gf: Well, they might be starving.

HM: Wouldn't it be easier to send them some burgers?

Gf: But it's not just the meat they need. They use the milk too.

HM: Oh it's like that is it. They want posh goat cheese.

Gf: No, they just want the milk to drink.

HM: This seems like an elaborate way of topping off their tea.

Gf: And they can use the goat's skin and hair to make clothes.

HM: They won't be getting much milk from a skinless goat.

Gf: And they'll want to breed the goats.

HM: That's all I wanted to do with it.

Gf: You're making a difference, by helping these people.

HM: These people who skin goats and then try to milk them. Why don't they just buy their own goats if they like goats so much?

Gf: They can't afford goats.

HM: They should talk to their union about a pay increase.

Gf: They don't have jobs.

HM: What?

Gf: They're simple people.

HM: They're retarded?

Gf: No. I mean they don't have any jobs available.

HM: So that makes them retarded?

Gf: I mean that the whole community is suffering because of the extreme poverty.

HM: My mate Dave doesn't have a job, but I'm not delivering goats to his home.

Gf: Dave has clean water and a bed to sleep on.

HM: How come you know so much about Dave's bed?

Gf: Shit! Bust. I'm sorry.

HM: Why does this always happen to me?

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