Tuesday 2 March 2010

I've been framed!

I've recently discovered an easy way to make some alternative income.

In the UK there's a show called You've been Framed, which is one of those funny home video type programs, which shows clips from every day people and pets doing funny things or hurting themselves, usually by sitting on white plastic chairs that always break.

Unlike the American version, which rewards the top three videos with cash prizes, the UK show pays £250 for every clip they use in the show. So all one needs to do is to scan through all of one's home videos, find some funny ones and upload them to their website.

I have done this, but I didn't get a reply or any money. I suspect the reason for this is that my videos of unknown women sleeping at night, isn't very funny. So in order to get some money, I'd have to make some funny videos.

After watching the program a few times, I noticed that the majority of clips are:
- People breaking white garden furniture.
- Stupid animals hurting themselves.
- Small children falling down.

This was a problem for me, as I don't have any garden furniture. I don't have an animal that constantly runs into glass doors and I don't have any small children.

I didn't know where to get white garden furniture or uncoordinated animals, but I knew that small children are likely to fall down a lot in playgrounds. So I grabbed my trench coat and video camera and headed towards my local primary school.

To make sure that the video was as plausible as possible, I also had to make sure that the kids didn't see me and preventing them from playing up to the camera. I therefore hid in some trees, with just my lens popping out between the leaves, to record the children running around and waiting until at least one of them falls down.

I had only been filming for a few minutes when a very rude lady came up to me and asked me what I was doing. I didn't have time to go into all the details, as there was limited time before the kids would go back into the school again, so I just told her that I'm filming the children in order to sell the videos on the internet.

I don't know what she heard or how drunk she was, but all of a sudden she started to scream like a mad thing. She made so much noise that all the children came over to see what the fuss was about. It ruined my filming and I had to leave, which is a pity because when I was about a block away I heard lots of sirens coming from the school, which means I missed filming something very dramatic.

At least I know not to film from the trees again, due to all the crazy people out there. I think next time I'll try to sneak into the boys toilets and film from the window.

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