Monday 19 January 2009

Whoreding your pride

What would you do for £1 million?

Jump off a double story building? Eat a kilogram of cat poo? Wrestle an alligator? Chat to an old person for more than five minutes? These are all crazy ideas that a person wouldn’t normally consider, but if a carrot is dangled in front of their pride, they might be tempted.

We’re all prostitutes at heart, it’s just a matter of how high your asking price is.

I once shagged a slightly chubby girl for a six-pack of beer. Now I’m not proud of this fact, but I needed beer. Some people would have done it for a million pounds, because some people need a million pounds.

In my defence, I was quite drunk when this happened and the girl was already dead, so it wasn’t like she was going to run off and tell people about it.

Another point in my favour is that she had decomposed quite a bit when I got to her, so she wasn't as fat as she use to be.

Six beers though! Score!

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