Tuesday 25 August 2009

Sale fale

Sales marketing in the old days wasn't nearly as good as it is today. Just look at this classic (I say classic, I mean shit) nursery rhyme.

Hot cross buns! Hot cross buns!
One a penny two a penny - Hot cross buns

So the deal you're presenting to me is to either buy a hot cross bun for only one penny, which is a good deal and you've perked my interest, but then you tell me that I can choose to have two hot cross buns for the same price... what's the catch?

Is the second option, buy one get one free, or is the entire transaction two for the price of three? Sounds like you're possibly just trying to move old stock.

If you have no daughters, give them to your sons

You sexist fuck! How dare you tell me how I should feed my children? It might be a fact that girls enjoy sugar more than boys, but how do you expect my daughters to find husbands with your fatty sexist products?

One a penny two a penny - Hot cross buns

Your business is never going to make money and your sexist values will lead to law suits.

I'm sorry I'm out.

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